Edit the “view” of a ListItem (DispForm.aspx)
- Open an element on the list, thus letting you view the DispForm.aspx page
- Edit the page (not the content)
- Insert the Scripteditor webpart
- Insert this code in the webpart and remember to edit the “SPBookmark_CaseID” to “SPBookmark_” + whatever name your field has
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Edit the “new” and “edit” of a ListItem (NewItem.aspx and EditItem.aspx)
It is the same jQuery code that goes for the new item page and the edit item page.
- Edit a ListElement, thus letting you view the EditForm.aspx page or
- Add a Listelement, thus letting you view the NewForm.aspx page
- Edit the page (not the content)
- Add the Scripteditor webpart
- Insert the code in the webpart and remember to edit the “CaseID” to whatever name your input field has
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Article taken from >> www.getinthesky.com
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